Paired samples comparisons showed that the learners in the experimental group improved their test scores significantly in all the subtests, while those in the control showed a significant increase only in vocabulary questions. While both groups progressed, the experimental group significantly outperformed the control in the posttest. The implementation’s effectiveness was assessed by a comparison of pre and posttest data from 38 fifth graders in a control and experimental group, as well as an analysis of the latter’s responses to classroom tasks and feedback questions collected periodically. The purpose of this study was to develop, implement, and evaluate technology enhanced scaffolding design in Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT) for English beginner level students at a middle school with a limited technology infrastructure and low SES profile. It can also guide design, not in a prescriptive manner but by providing designers with heuristics and examples of possible ways to address the challenges learners face. The framework can provide a basis for developing a theory of pedagogical support and a mechanism to describe successful scaffolding approaches.

Developed through iterative cycles of inductive and theory-based analysis, the framework synthesizes the work of prior design efforts, theoretical arguments, and empirical work in a set of guidelines that are organized around science inquiry practices and the challenges learners face in those practices. In this article, we present a scaffold- ing design framework addressing scaffolded software tools for science inquiry.

However, although there is a growing body of work on scaffolded tools, scaffold design, and the impact of scaffolding, the field has not yet converged on a common theoretical framework that defines rationales and approaches to guide the design of scaffolded tools. The notion of scaffolding learners to help them succeed in solving problems other- wise too difficult for them is an important idea that has extended into the design of scaffolded software tools for learners.